Angolan Muamba de Galinha – A Traditional Chicken Stew

Angolan Muamba de Galinha – A Traditional Chicken Stew

Muamba de Galinha (also sometimes spelled ‘Moamba’ or ‘Muamba’) is a classic Angolan dish that is hearty, flavorful, and deeply satisfying. It’s made with ingredients that reflect the rich culinary traditions of Angola, combining chicken with spices, vegetables, and palm oil. This recipe will take you on a journey to Central Africa and show you how to create an authentic taste of Angola in your kitchen.


  • 1 whole chicken, cut into pieces
  • 3 tablespoons of palm oil (or a neutral oil as a substitute)
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 3 tomatoes, peeled and chopped
  • 1 small butternut squash, peeled and cubed
  • 1 eggplant, cubed
  • 1 okra, sliced
  • 2 chili peppers, chopped (adjust to taste)
  • 1 bundle of fresh basil leaves, chopped
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 teaspoon of ground turmeric
  • 2 cups chicken broth


  1. In a large pot, heat the palm oil over medium heat. Once hot, add the chicken pieces and brown them on all sides.
  2. Add the minced garlic and chopped onions to the pot. Sauté until the onions become translucent, about 3 minutes.
  3. Introduce the chopped tomatoes and continue to cook for another 5 minutes, allowing the tomatoes to break down slightly.
  4. Add the butternut squash, eggplant, okra, and chili peppers to the pot. Stir to combine.
  5. Season the mixture with salt and ground turmeric, mixing well to ensure even distribution of the spices.
  6. Pour the chicken broth into the pot. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer.
  7. Cover the pot and allow the stew to cook for about 30 minutes, or until the chicken is fully cooked and the vegetables are tender.
  8. A few minutes before the end of the cooking time, add the chopped basil leaves to the pot for a fresh, aromatic flavor.
  9. Taste the stew and adjust the seasoning as necessary.
  10. Serve your Muamba de Galinha hot, accompanied by rice or funge (a traditional Angolan side dish made from cassava flour).

This dish’s unique taste comes from the palm oil and the combination of fresh aromatic herbs and spices. Muamba de Galinha is an excellent example of Angola’s flavorful and diverse cuisine, and an ideal meal to explore the tastes of Africa from the comfort of your home.

Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 45 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour


  • If palm oil is unavailable or you prefer not to use it, vegetable oil can be used as a substitute, although the dish’s traditional flavor will be slightly altered.
  • For a thicker sauce, some recipes include a spoonful of peanut butter or a small can of tomato paste.
  • Adjust the quantity of chili peppers based on your preference for spice levels.
  • To make this dish more authentic, try serving it with traditional side dishes from Angola such as funge or pirão (a dish similar to polenta).

Enjoy your homemade Muamba de Galinha and the rich, warming flavors that it brings to your table!

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