Traditional Azerbaijani Dushbara Recipe

Introduction to Azerbaijani Dushbara

Dushbara is a traditional Azerbaijani dish consisting of tiny dumplings filled with minced meat and herbs, served in a clear broth. Making this heartwarming soup is a labor of love, but the end result is a delightful meal that’s perfect for any occasion.


  • For the dough:
    • 2 cups all-purpose flour
    • 1 large egg
    • 1/2 cup water (adjust as necessary)
    • 1/4 tsp salt
  • For the filling:
    • 200 g minced lamb or beef
    • 1 small onion, finely chopped
    • Salt and pepper to taste
    • A pinch of dried mint (optional)
  • For the broth:
    • 1.5 liters of beef or chicken stock
    • 2-3 garlic cloves, minced
    • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
    • 1 tsp dried mint
    • Salt to taste


  1. To make the dough, mix the flour, egg, water, and salt in a large bowl, kneading until a smooth, elastic dough forms. Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rest for 30 minutes.
  2. While the dough rests, prepare the filling by combining the minced meat, finely chopped onion, salt, pepper, and dried mint in a bowl. Mix well.
  3. Once the dough has rested, roll it out on a floured surface as thinly as possible. Cut the dough into small squares, about 1 cm each.
  4. Place a small amount of filling in the center of each dough square. Fold the dough over the filling to create a triangle, and press the edges together to seal. Bring the two opposite corners of the triangle together and pinch to create the traditional dumpling shape.
  5. Bring the stock to a boil in a large pot. Season with salt, add minced garlic, and the apple cider vinegar. Gently add the formed Dushbara to the boiling stock.
  6. Cook the Dushbara for about 10 minutes or until they float to the surface and are fully cooked.
  7. Serve the Dushbara hot in bowls, sprinkled with dried mint and additional vinegar if desired.

Serving Suggestions

Accompany your Dushbara with a side of fresh herbs, such as cilantro or dill, and a wedge of lemon to enhance the flavor. Enjoy the dish as it is, or for an extra kick, add a bit more vinegar or a dollop of sour cream to your bowl.

Thank you for following this Azerbaijani Dushbara recipe. Though the process may seem time-consuming, the rich flavors and unique texture of these little dumplings make it worth the effort. Happy cooking!

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